Rye in East Sussex Town Guide

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The Town Crier: Rye In The Shadows – Ghost Walk

Gird your loins and be ready to be spooked! Rye’s No. 1 Town Crier will lead the eerie walk around the nooks and crannies of what is rumored to be one the most haunted towns in England. Hear tales of murders most foul, deadly deeds and dark historic happenings that might still echo through our night-time streets to this day. Stories of witches, ghosts and poltergeists will make you quiver!

Not for the faint hearted! Sensible shoes to be worn as you will walk over cobbles at night.


The Town Crier: Rye In The Shadows – Ghost Walk

What’s new?

1 Regent Square
1 Regent Square

2 bedroom modern house in Rye Town centre with private parking. Sleeps up to 5 persons. Fully fitted kitchen with … more

Listed in: Holiday Lets

Featured Links

Cadborough Cottages
Cadborough Cottages

Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.

Jeake's House
Jeake's House

Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street

What’s 🔥?

Rye Bay Scallop Week
Rye Bay Scallop Week

to Sun, 2nd Mar

Next event

Rye Farmers Market
Rye Farmers Market

, 10:00am to Wed, 26th Feb, 12:00pm
Cinque Ports, Rye

Message Board

Martello Developments Proposals

As a follow up to the article in Rye News a few weeks back we are delighted to say that … more

Compass Taxis Ltd Information

Good morning, could we please have a quote for a taxi to Stansted airport on Friday the 25th of October … more

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