Rye in East Sussex Town Guide

Wanted to Rent

Single lady, ex-animal welfare officer, very experienced with small animals, horses, most livestock (including ostrich!)- seeks rural plot with accommodation on long term rent / lease for ‘good life’ type project – willing to do house sitting, animal care, lend a hand with renovations, grounds, business if required. Isolation not a problem. Very capable ex- Rhodesian – ran game farm, safari business and own riding school. Open to ideas. Can provide 1st class refs plus non live in, ex rugby playing partner for grass cutting & lifting.

6 responses to “Wanted to Rent”

  1.  avatar

    Mmmmm you sound ideal for everything. Give me an email and update me and I shall discuss things. You and your partner seem to fulfill everything I need – got horses coming out of my ears, cats, dogs, you name it, land everywhere, chaos! Help. you guys sound ideal, despite me not looking for anyone – my god do i need peeps to help though … [reveal email] cheers, Alli

  2.  avatar

    Sorry for the delay in replying -am away house-sitting until Wednesday -just popped in to catch up on a few things – will email you direct. Regards Carole

  3.  avatar

    Hi Alli,

    Still trying to get in touch with you – will try and email again – meantime my mobile is [reveal tel] and email is [reveal email] hope we manage to make contact soon – am itching to get stuck into something! Regards Carole.

  4.  avatar

    Hi some time later … hope you’re well and just wanted to touch base in case you need somewhere. Cheers, Alli

  5.  avatar

    Blast from the past – always willing to talk, what have you got in mind – stay well Carole

  6.  avatar

    No it’s a bit old. Don’t suppose you’re still looking for help? Not really got experience but lookin for something to do whilst the kids are at school. Really interested in horses though.

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