Rye in East Sussex Town Guide

Dr Rebekah Gilbert

Dr Rebekah Gilbert in Rye

07974 001 818
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Clinical sports and remedial deep tissue massage, for work or sports injuries, postural issues and general muscular aches and pains. Relaxation and aromatherapy de-stressing massage also available.

Rebekah has over a decade of experience in soft tissue therapy and gained her level 5 professional diploma (the highest qualification of its type in the UK) from the renown London School of Sports Massage in 2012.

She regularly attends continuing professional development courses with the Royal Society of Medicine.

She is a registered practitioner with BAPAM, the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine and works with musicians, actors and dancers.

She is an Associate Researcher with Canterbury Christ Church University, and has published several peer-reviewed papers on music and health in the UK & Australia.

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