Rye in East Sussex Town Guide

The Mermaid Inn

The Mermaid Inn in Rye

Rye map

£80.00 – £110.00 (per person per night)
The Mermaid Inn
Mermaid Street
East Sussex
TN31 7EY
01797 223 065
Events at The Mermaid Inn
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Events at The Mermaid Inn



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Rye Bonfire Auction of Promises Wednesday, 3rd July 2024 from 7:00pm
Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Sunday, 21st July 2024, 6:30pm - 9:30pm

About The Mermaid Inn

One of England’s oldest and loveliest inns, with Norman cellars dating from 1156, the Mermaid, rebuilt in 1420, offers tradition and charm in abundance.

A jewel in the crown of Rye, the inn has a wide range of accommodation including rooms with four-poster beds and fascinating secret passages. The lounge bar boasts of one of the largest open log fireplaces in the country. The AA Rosette restaurant offers fine British and French cuisine and the head chef is proud to use only the freshest of local ingredients.

For many years The Mermaid has been frequented by artists from the stage and screen: Charlie Chaplin, Pierce Brosnan, Andy Garcia and Johnny Depp to name a few. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother and Prince Edward have also visited. Painters from all over the world have spent many a happy hour with brush in hand, capturing the rare character of this beautiful inn.

Rooms: 31.

Originally dating from 1156, the Mermaid was rebuilt in 1420, much as it still stands today, as the principal Inn of Rye.

The Linen Fold Paneled Restaurant has been awarded Two AA Rosettes, and offers Fine Dining, with British and French cuisine.

The Mermaid Inn Discussion

If you have a question about The Mermaid Inn, you can ask the community on the message board ...

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Ghosts of Rye

Everyone knows of the OLD ghost stories of Rye … The duelling Cavaliers in The Mermaid Inn, the gobbling monk … more

Smugglers in Rye!

For anyone wanting to read a new novel about the Hawkhurst Gang of smugglers, try ‘Men of Sorrows’ by Mary-Elizabeth … more

S. J. Heady

Hi my name is Jason, S J Heady is my grandfather. (Stanley John Heady) do contact me if you wish.

Restaurant Recommendation

Joe Blunden: I highly recommend the Landgate Bistro. It offers good food in an unpretencious atmosphere. The Mermaid is fun … more

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Message Board

Ryesingers Enquiry

Hello, I am trying to contact the Ryesingers about an opportunity to take part in a touring Theatre show which … more

Looking for a Taxi?

I am looking for a taxi that will take 2 people from Rye to Oxford at the end of October.

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