Below are listings for care in the community in Rye and the surrounding area ...
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In Rye
01797 223 329
Country Carers is a domiciliary care service providing care to people within their own homes, enabling the client to maintain his or her own independance and providing support, comfort and companionship. We offer personnal and domestic care, tailor-made to the client’s specific needs and requirements 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. We … more
In Rye
0300 111 1110
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East Sussex Young Carers, provided by Imago and funded by East Sussex County Council, supports Young Carers aged 5-18 who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issues. A service of Imago, registered charity number 1108388.
In Rye
01797 225 797
Premium homecare provider, providing an alternative to residential care from shopping and social visits through to live-in and 24 hour care. Find out how we can tailor make our service to suit the needs of you or your loved one.
Limited edition prints featuring a Particular View of Rye and surrounding area, along with a beautifully produced little book.
Listed in: Photography
Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.
Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street
, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Cinque Ports Arms, Rye
Category: Shopping Fairs and Markets
Hello, Could you please indicate how much it would cost to transport two backpacks from Winchelsea to Appledore? My wife … more
I am conducting some important research into peoples lived experience of psychological therapy taking place via video and what this … more