Below are listings for locksmiths in Rye and the surrounding area ...
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Peasmarsh 2.2 miles from Rye
07799 825 053
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Experienced and qualified property repair & maintenance professional with 24 Years Commercial Experience. Qualified Domestic Electrician, Trained & Qualified UK Locksmiths Association Member, Trusted & Vetted. Fully DBS checked. Fully Insured. Local (Based in RYE East Sussex) & Trustworthy. 100’s of satisfied customers. FREE Quotes / FREE Advice / FRIENDLY Service All Areas of Property … more
Peasmarsh 2.4 miles from Rye
07946 101 930
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Rye, East Sussex Based. Experienced and qualified Property Locksmith and repair professional. 24 Years Commercial Experience in Property Repair & Maintenance. Trained & Qualified UK Locksmiths Association Member, uPVC Multipoint Lock Specialist. Trusted & Vetted. Fully DBS checked. Fully Insured. Local (Based in Rye, East Sussex) Mobile Service +50 Miles of TN31 6NR. 100’s of … more
In Rye
01580 755 626
07399 343 789
24 hour locksmith Fully insured Fully qualified & accredited member of UK Locksmith Association Lockouts Replacements Repairs Upgrades Gun cabinets Safes Garages
In Rye
01797 229 255
07955 864 551
We are an independant business situated in the heart of Rye. We offer several fantastic services such as shoe repairs, a 24 hour locksmith service, key cutting, engraving etc.. All our services and products are garaunteed to be offered at the best availabe prices and are of the highest quality. We look forward to seeing … more
Camber 3.1 miles from Rye
070 3451 0092
We give the services of a position, composed locksmith at reasonable rates. We used the best locksmith in the town. Our staff does their work confirmation.
The Coach House is the newest addition to Cadborough holiday cottages. It is recently converted and offers luxury accommodation for … more
Listed in: Self Catering
Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street
Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.
, 7:00am - 2:00pm
Cattle Market Car Park, Rye
, 8:00pm - 11:00pm
The Grapevine Champagne and Jazz Bar, Rye
As a follow up to the article in Rye News a few weeks back we are delighted to say that … more
Good morning, could we please have a quote for a taxi to Stansted airport on Friday the 25th of October … more