We are a team of volunteers that are trained to respond to emergency calls in our localities through the 999 system in conjunction with the Ambulance Service.
Rother Responders as a Community First Responder Scheme was established in November 2012. The majority of our members are covering Rye and the surrounding communities in Rother, East Sussex – you can see our full coverage area by visiting our website.
CFR’s are not intended to replace ambulances, their role is to provide emergency medical care and life support in those critical few minutes before the ambulance crew arrives and can take over. They are able to arrive more quickly than an ambulance simply because they are nearby. Every minute counts and by having a Community First Responder in your community, we can increase the chance of survival for patients needing emergency medical interventions. The CFR’s are trained to deal with most 999 calls and are alerted to emergencies by the ambulance service, who will already have dispatched an ambulance to the incident.