Below are listings for delicatessens in Rye and the surrounding area ...
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In Rye
01797 227 271
07590 991 965
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A destination for all lovers of food! Freshly made salads, cakes, bakes and takeaway homemade meals! Cheese and wine, food gifts and produce to delight you. Meats, treats, chocolates, freshly ground coffee beans, local produce and so much more! All dietaries catered for.
Winchelsea Beach 2.3 miles from Rye
01797 226 767
Fully refurbished, top quality Bar / Restaurant / Cafe, with in-house Butchers and Deli run by Jamie Wickens. Open Every day, with huge stunning coastal gardens, just 5 mins from the beach.
2 bedroom modern house in Rye Town centre with private parking. Sleeps up to 5 persons. Fully fitted kitchen with … more
Listed in: Holiday Lets
Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street
Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.
to Sun, 2nd Mar
, 10:00am to Wed, 26th Feb, 12:00pm
Cinque Ports, Rye
As a follow up to the article in Rye News a few weeks back we are delighted to say that … more
Good morning, could we please have a quote for a taxi to Stansted airport on Friday the 25th of October … more