Below are listings for furniture in Rye and the surrounding area ...
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In Rye
07787 409 308
Located in the biggest Antiques Warehouse in Rye, Bad Marriage is the home of Mid-Century Modern furniture, lighting and decorative items.
In Rye
01797 225 543
07968 625 130
In Rye
01797 227 321
Newenden 6.8 miles from Rye
07833 912 773
Bespoke cabinetry made to your requirements. Contact us for a free quotation.
In Rye
07748 300 755
Eclectic, interesting quality mid century and industrial design. Expect the unexpected. Specialising in Enamel Signs and Studio Pottery also lighting, furniture and much more.
The Coach House is the newest addition to Cadborough holiday cottages. It is recently converted and offers luxury accommodation for … more
Listed in: Self Catering
Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street
Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.
, 7:00am - 2:00pm
Cattle Market Car Park, Rye
, 8:00pm - 11:00pm
The Grapevine Champagne and Jazz Bar, Rye
As a follow up to the article in Rye News a few weeks back we are delighted to say that … more
Good morning, could we please have a quote for a taxi to Stansted airport on Friday the 25th of October … more