I live in Camber and I was for many years a musical arranger/conductor in the commercial music field. I am thinking about getting a small “classical” ensemble together ot fortnightly play throughs of classical pieces and some of my arrangements. I am looking or (ex) professional with some playing experience. Anyone interested? This would be … read more
Talented Musicians Wanted!
Hello. I am wondering whether there is anyone out there with a musical talent who might be willing to give up some precious time to come and deliver something of their gift of music to my pre school setting in camber sands? Sir Paul definately welcome!! Equally anyone else. Many thanks. … read more
Musicians Wanted
We are looking for musicians for our wedding on 22nd October, Rye. We need a fiddler and / or singer to lead guests from the wedding to the reception, and want to play WILD IS THE WIND by Nina Simone at the wedding (might need two diffrerent people), and perhaps a bit of chamber music … read more
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The Coach House
The Coach House is the newest addition to Cadborough holiday cottages. It is recently converted and offers luxury accommodation for … more
Listed in: Self Catering
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Cadborough Cottages
Walking distance from Rye. Ample parking. Peaceful location.

Jeake's House
Award winning 17th century town house in medieval cobbled street
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Rye Market
, 7:00am – 2:00pm
Cattle Market Car Park, Rye
Next event

Sarah-Jane Hassell
, 8:00pm – 11:00pm
The Grapevine Champagne and Jazz Bar, Rye
Message Board
Martello Developments Proposals
As a follow up to the article in Rye News a few weeks back we are delighted to say that … more
Compass Taxis Ltd Information
Good morning, could we please have a quote for a taxi to Stansted airport on Friday the 25th of October … more