Conrad Aiken (1889-1973) was an American poet, novelist, and critic who spent much of his life living and working in England. In 1921, Aiken moved to England eventually settling in Rye, where he lived for several years with his wife and children.
While living in Rye, Aiken wrote some of his most important literary works, including his acclaimed poetry collection “Selected Poems” and his novel “Blue Voyage.” Aiken was inspired by the natural beauty of the town and its surrounding countryside, and he often wrote about the landscape in his poetry and prose.
Aiken’s connection to Rye is commemorated with a blue plaque on the wall of his former home, Jeake’s House. The plaque notes that Aiken lived in the house from 1924 to 1929 and that he wrote much of his work there. Today, the house is a popular bed and breakfast that attracts literary enthusiasts from around the world who are interested in Aiken’s life and work.