Please note that the correct date for Rye Bonfire is the 15th November 2025. Due to an incorrect date being provided, some copies of the Rye town map show an earlier, incorrect date!
Last year’s Rye Bonfire Timetable:
16:00 – Parking restrictions apply to processional route.
18:00 – Vehicular access restrictions apply.
18:00 – Processional Route to be clear of all vehicles
19:00 – Loud maroon signals the start of the procession from Mason Road, Tilling Green Estate
The route is as follows – Ferry Road to the Crown Inn, turn left into Cinque Ports Street, Tower Street, through Landgate Arch, Hilders Cliff (East Cliff) in to High Street, The Mint, turn right into Wish Ward, Cinque Ports Street, Tower Street, left down Landgate, right into Bedford Place and on to the Bonfire site.
19:40 – The Chairing down of Rye Fawkes 2023
20:00 – The Bonfire Lit by Rye Fawkes 2023
20:15 – Grand Fireworks Display