Rye in East Sussex Town Guide


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  • Train Links from London

    Hi. Anyone know the best train route to Rye from London? Thanks. … read more

  • Rye Retreat

    Has anyone been to the “Rye Retreat” for beauty therapy / treatments? Thinking of treating my wife and I! Is it good value? … read more

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to all of those reading the Message Board. Husband Chris and I have just seen the lovely programme on Rye and the Romney Marsh on BBC2 this evening … now we can’t wait for a return visit. Almost 2 years since we last visited Rye (staying at Playden), I know just how … read more

  • Rye Information Wanted

    I have been looking to move to Rye but unless you actually know the town well and the environment around it is hard to ensure you are making the right move. Is there anyone who lives in Rye who might be willing to exchange a few emails with me and tell me a little more … read more

  • Rye Day

    Hello. My grandma, now 81 was born nearby and lived in Rye for most of her young life. In the 1940’s, she met a man from Yorkshire (my grandad) and within the next few years, they moved up to a mining community in Yorkshire. My grandad unfortunately died in 1992. In 2001, I told my … read more

  • Mapp and Lucia

    Does anyone know the name of the author who in recent years wrote a sequel to the Mapp & Lucia books, and if it is available? … read more

  • Shop Search

    Lorraine Tillett: Was the shop in The Mint perhaps is was called Simmons of The Mint [reveal tel] . If this is not right perhaps you could remember what street it was in. … read more

  • Bed and Breakfast

    Thinking of coming to Rye for a weekend soon. Does anyone know of a good reasonable B&B in town. May possibly come for new year with friends, but last year we found it a bit quiet, does anyone know of anything going on this year? … read more

  • Keith Jennings

    Keith Jennings: Hi, Are you the Keith Jennings that went to FSU in the 90’s? … read more

  • Stables

    I am coming to Rye in January and was wondering if anyone could tell me if there are any horse stables for riding in the area? … read more

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